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Newsday featured article 01/07/2022


Beyond cover bands: Meet 8 promising LI'ers playing original music. Click above to read the full article. 

As Featured in the New York Times:

"A Dive into the arts for Black History Month": click here to read the full article

Sachem Library Concert review by Shana Braff:

"From the first note it was evident that Nina and the gang would play with the same intensity whether in front of 20 or 20,000 people. Nina seems to be a woman hailing from another time, with a voice echoing throughout the ages; hovering between a purr and a icon in the making. Nina seamlessly stepped from Elvis' shoes to Grace Slick's without ever losing her own unique footing." Click here to read the full article. 


Newsday Feature article:

"Singer Nina moves up from the basement" "Done in mono...with a clear love of 60's folk and soul..." 
Click here to read the full article by Glen Gamboa.



The Long Island Pulse Magazine: 

"A startling and raw collection of songs that may recall an edgier Victoria Williams during her Dylan & the Band Basement Tapes period. An unusual, yet welcome approach to recording and unadorned, almost primal songs and vocals make this one of the most exciting albums to come out of Long Island in years."


The Deli Magazine (NYC): 

"Nina makes music the good old fashion way- with heart, soul and in mono! It is not music written 
for the press, critics or even for the studio....
in short it's music without pretension." Click here to read the full article.



Rootstime/ Foreign Press (Belgium)

"...Done live to provide the necessary ruthlessness...Cheerful racket mixed with punk, folk, rock, soul & experimental sounds....New York is already wildly enthusiastic. Now Europe." To read the full article click here



Good Times Magazine Cover Story:

"There's nobody like you anywhere."



A concert review of Sayville Arts Gala III from, by Shana Braff:

"The evening ended on a high note with the experimental folk rock bank Nina Et cetera, fronted by vocal powerhouse Nina of Sayville." To read the full article click here



Jezebel Music Feature Review by Meghan Roe:

"...made in this tradition of hidden-away musical talent. It is a record of a sound that comes from nowhere... This group may have its breakthrough in the near future, so enjoy their underground phase while you can."  Clickhere to read the full review. 



Suffolk County News Feature Article: 

"Nina Makes the Music Work" by Emily Portoghese. Click here to read the full article on page 7. 



Bill Nolan of WPKN's Antique Blues Show:

"A very unique and unusual sound that is different from what's out there today. If she was recording in the peace love and 60's, she would have probably been a sensation."



Donna DiBerardino of Sayville Library:

"Their music was upbeat, fun, interactive and entertaining for all who attended. A mixed crowd of families, adults and seniors attended and left asking when and where to see them again. Nina Et cetera are suitable for all audience types and sizes and is a sure thing for any venue who seeks an act to draw a crowd."



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